Thank you for your interest in volunteering for National Rejoin March III, without people like you, these kind of events simply can't happen.
On the day we need Marshals, First Aiders and Parliament Square Marshals.
You don't need any qualifications or experience for Marshaling, this can be your first time, more experienced people on the team will look after you and show you the ropes. You do need to have a valid 'first aid at work' certificate or equivalent to be a First Aider.
Please scroll down and fill in the form in full and click SEND. You will then within a couple of days maximum receive an EMAIL with further instructions. You will need to have WhatsApp on whichever devices you will be using to communicate with the team.
There are 2 types of teams of Marshals needed. One for the march all the way along the route. And one for Parliament Square who will be there earlier to assist getting the stage into Parliament Square then the setting up of the stage area before the march reaches Parliament Square, plus helping with leafleting on Parliament Square. We'd like all volunteers to help with a litter pick at the end too for those who can stay.
If you would prefer not to do the march for whatever reason, the Parliament Square team would be best suited for you.